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Tim Doling

in Saigon

A Brief History of Cung Văn Hóa Lao Động and Saigon's First Swimming Pool

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City Authorities Agree to Save Elements of Saigon’s Tax Center

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Hidden in the Heart of D5, an Architectural Vestige of 1970s Vietnam-Korea History

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What Happened to the Saigon Tax Center's Moroccan Mosaic Staircase?

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D3 Heritage Mansion to Reopen as Dining Destination in 2022

One of Saigon's great remaining heritage buildings is nearing its public debut.

Tim Doling

in Saigon

How Nhà Thờ Tân Định, Saigon's Iconic Pink Church, Came to Be

You just have to mention the “pink church” and everyone knows which one you mean. But few are aware that the building in question — Tân Định Church — is one of Saigon’s oldest and most important Roman...

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