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Michelin-Starred Chef Hervé Rodriguez Hits Saigon Institution Shri for One Night

While the covid epidemic has stopped Saigoneers from international exploration, we can still take culinary journeys here in Saigon, for one night at least.

Chef Hervé, best known for his success at MaSa restaurant in Paris which received a coveted Michelin star in 2013, has been plying his trade in Asia for the past several years and has visited Vietnam a number of times to develop and share his contemporary, audacious, and complex creations. Fortunately for those living here, he is currently, if temporarily, a Saigon resident and will be headlining a unique culinary experience on November 14th at Shri, located atop the Centec Tower.

The 6-course dinner aims to connect food and people by showcasing Chef Hervé’s creativity via an exclusive menu that will feature both French and Vietnamese flavors and techniques. It should be a great occasion to understand why he is known as “Manipulateur de Saveur” (manipulator of flavors), a nickname bestowed on him by no less than the director of the Michelin guide, Jean-François Mesplède?

Chef Hervé has dedicated his professional culinary life to providing dinners with experiences that highlight food as an art form. For this particular dinner, his artistic toolbox will consist of his cooking skills and ingenuity along with an array of flavors from Vietnam and France.

If the food is the paint, the canvas is Shri. Perched high above Saigon, the city’s skyline serves as a shimmering backdrop for this special culinary event.

Seats at the dinner are extremely limited and can be booked here or via the links below.

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