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Hanoi to Ban Dogs, Cats in Hoan Kiem Pedestrian Area Due to Unmuzzled, Unleashed Pets

In the future, Hanoians might have to leave their furry friends at home.

On September 11, officials from Hanoi’s Hoan Kiem District held a press conference to report on the progress of the Hoan Kiem pedestrian area project, reports Zing. At the event, authorities assessed various goals, amenities and room for improvement of the pilot project on the occasion of its second anniversary.

Vice Chairman of the Hoan Kiem People’s Committee Dinh Hong Phong shared that one of the most contentious problems troubling pedestrians is roaming pets. Many dog owners bring their canine companions to the area without a leash or muzzle, potentially threatening other walkers, especially small children.

Phong added that since the beginning of the project, district officials have attempted to educate local pet owners on the importance of leashes and muzzles in public, but with limited success. Therefore, they’ve decided to impose a complete ban on pets in the pedestrian-only area.

“Even adults find it hard to prevent attacks from vicious dogs, not to mention children,” Nguyen Thi Hoa, a Dong Da resident who usually takes her two children to the walking area, told the online news outlet. “I notice that many dog owners let their pets run free; they defecate everywhere, turning the walking street filthy.”

Apart from pets, Phong also listed a few other issues plaguing the Hoan Kiem area, including unlicensed street musicians and performers and a lack of amenities like public bathrooms and seating.

Regarding the walking plaza’s future, Chairman of Hoan Kiem People’s Committee Duong Duc Tuan shared that the city aims to expand the pedestrian area in all directions eventually. Nonetheless, the district will prioritize the northward expansion plan to link it with the Old Quarter to form a seamless walking area.

Over the last year, Hanoi has carried out a number of projects to boost the capital’s public and green areas. Most recently, the city saw the opening of Nhan Chinh Park on Hoang Minh Giam Street on September 10. The 13.2-hectare green space is the first designated green space in Thanh Xuan District.

[Photo via Bao Moi]

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