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Authorities to Crack Down on Showing Skin in Public

If the Ministry of Public Security has its way, there will be a lot less skin showing on Saigon’s streets. The ministry has introduced a draft decree that doubles fines for people appearing in "undergarments" or without clothes in public places.

According to Thanh Nien, showing skin is considered immoral and offensive in what is a conservative country.

If the decree is passed, fines of VND100,000-200,000 will be levied against offenders. This raises the fees, stipulated under a similar decree in 2010, which are currently only VND60,000-100,000.

Oh, also, no swearing:

“The draft also envisages doubling the fines on people swearing in public places also to VND100,000-200,000.”

The decree may stem from a number of highly publicized crackdowns on events that featured models and singers in scantily clad outfits. Venus Modeling Company, organizer of the annual high-profile Leggy Night fashion show, featured models “parading in underclothes and adverts for a liquor company” and was subsequently fined.

It’s clear that this decree is seeking to tone down the sexuality in some events but, on a practical level, who does it really affect? The xe om driver reliving himself on the side of the street? The little boy being potty-trained over an alley manhole? Are the police going to fine women in short dresses shopping at Louis Vuitton?

Is this the end of shirtless, potbellied, middle-aged men wandering Saigon’s alleys? I think (and hope) not as I aspire to eventually join their ranks.

[Photo via KellyIDesign]

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