BackEvents Near Me » Art Exhibition / Projectile / Christopher Hancock @ Soma Art Cafe

Art Exhibition / Projectile / Christopher Hancock @ Soma Art Cafe

Christopher Hancock creates striking, surreal and twisted pieces exploring the human condition.

Hancock’s work aims to deliver raw and honest subject matter in a captivating and unconventional way. Leaving behind pre-meditated construction, Hancock’s work embodies a process of applied chance and appreciation for the unanticipated. Hancock intends to find a harmonious bond between paint and consciousness, for the artist and the viewer.

During this 3 week residency at Soma/Outcast, Hancock will reflect on various elements of Asian culture, and mentally digest recent experiences onto canvas.

Hancock will be expanding on the limitations of creating artworks whilst travelling, using minimal colour palletes, loose and expressive strokes giving the work a strong sense of energy, much like the pocket of the world he finds himself in.

Follow Hancocks process on instagram Christopher Hancock
Have a look at the artist previous works or

Art will be exhibited at Soma for 1 month.

Free entry


Friday, 8 December

8:00pm - 11:00pm

Soma Art Cafe | 6b Le Van Mien, D.2, Ho Chi Minh City
