BackEvents Near Me » Baroque Blossom Concerts @ SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy

Baroque Blossom Concerts @ SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy

SMPAA is pleased to announce, “Baroque Blossom”, a 2-Part Baroque music feast.

Part 1 is an Educational Concert with musical excerpts/styles demonstrated by the Saigon Chamber Consort (SCC) and Part 2 is a Concert. 

The SCC is part of the Choral Division within the Vocal Music Department/Music Faculty of SMPAA. The SCC is a Baroque chamber music ensemble of singers and instrumentalists under the Artistic Direction of Mr. Gregory Hoang Phuc Notebaert with Assistant Conductor, Ms Jessica Lowry. 

The upcoming Educational Concert (Part 1) on December 10, 2017 will introduce the audience to the history and evolution of the music of the Baroque period.

The Concert (Part 2) on January 26, 2018 will feature the entire works demonstrated at the Educational Concert (Part 1) with several additional pieces.

Attending both parts of this Baroque "music feast" is recommended but not required.

Part 1 - Educational Concert (with musical excerpts by the SCC)
4:30 pm, Sunday, 10/12/2017

Part 2 - Concert
7:30 pm, Friday, 26/01/2018



Sunday, 10 December


SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy | 214-216 Pasteur, D3, Ho Chi Minh City
