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Emergence Of A Spoon - ceramic exhibition by Agnès Thierry @ Inpages

"I'm wondering ... What's a spoon? Apparently, it is a simple functional object, basically essential and universal, everyday, used in all countries, all cultures.

If I look at it differently, the spoon becomes something else. A one of a kind object, emotional and sensory. The diversity of all unique and different, it highlights an aesthetic rhythm.

Then lets move ourselves away from the function.

The spoon becomes a sculpture itself. It integrates and merges with a structure. I forget its function, creating a language according to the expression of 3 universes, in relation to elements of nature: water, rock and wood. It becomes a symbol that breaks with the usual references and lets wander the imagination."

Welcome to the ceramic exhibition by artist Agnès Thierry


Friday, 4 May

6:00pm - 9:00pm

Inpages | 4 Le Van Mien, Thao Dien, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
