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Pizza Alla Pala @ Pendolasco

Our chef Manuel Reale is waiting for you with his very secret Pizza Alla Pala recipe!

This Friday and Saturday, Pendolasco - Thao Dien is serving up this new dish, a fresh twist on an old favorite: the pizza pala.

The “pala” is the wooden paddle on which this delicacy is traditionally served in Italy. Compared to the wood-fired Neapolitan pizza, it’s made with a lighter dough (filled with air bubbles) and baked in an electric oven, a combination that creates a delicious crispy flatbread. Pendolasco serves 7 of them with a selection of cured meats, cheeses and fresh seasonal produce brought in from local farms.

Manuel came fifth at an international pizza contest in Parma last April with his delicious “pizza alla pala”.

Only available 2 days a week.


Friday, 8 June

7:00pm - 10:00pm

Pendolasco | 30 Tong Huu Dinh, Thao Dien, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
