BackEvents Near Me » The Magical Modules @ The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre

The Magical Modules @ The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre

Inspired by Điềm Phùng Thị’s modules and the way she crafted her art, ‘The magical modules’ introduces children to a unique figure of Vietnamese modern art.

Through the process of interacting and improvising with the artist’s modules using a range of techniques from drawing, collage to stamp printing, The Factory wishes to nurture a child’s love of art, allowing them a new approach to find the magic from within and to interpret the world around them.

This workshop is suitable for children aged 7 and older, no prior artistic skills are required.
In order to ensure the quality of the workshop, we only offer 25 slots. Tickets can be purchased online only, no tickets at door.

More information & Ticket link

9th May 2021


The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre | 15 Nguyen U Di, Thao Dien Ward, D2, HCMC
