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SCM online - Full Presence Meditation with Phuong

As a nurse, Phuong was looking at various non-aggressive techniques to reduce patient’s pain, fears, and anxiety associated with conventional medicine. In 2012 she discovered Somatic psycho education, which evolved from fascia therapy, and graduated in 2015.

Phuong started to develop the approach in Myanmar and the transformation she saw in herself encouraged her to spread and teach this method. This practice is now a daily routine for Phuong, where she uses different tools: sensorial movements, full-presence meditation.

Sensorial Movements is a method that focuses on our body with gentle and subtle movements. The combination of the slowness and consciousness of movement will help find a link between your inner-self and the way you move. Developing this attention, you will unite the mind and the body.

Perceptual psycho-education is another way to meditate. Based on the awareness of your body, it helps you manage your stress, release deep tensions and finds fluidity and freedom in gestural movements.

Meeting ID: 849 6426 9242 - Passcode: SCMN

Register by donating as you feel and have fun!

Bank Acc for donation:

Nguyen Hong Trang
Vietcombank 0071005751667
Message: StayHomeTogether_PHUONG

Donation is highly appreciated and will be used to arrange Covid Relief packs

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14th August 2021


Online Event