BackEvents Near Me » Workshop - Performance - Artist Talk "Human Learning" @ Toong

Workshop - Performance - Artist Talk "Human Learning" @ Toong

We’d love to invite you to join the side events of “The Ignorant Schoolmaster” - a duo exhibition by artist Giang Nguyen (Vietnam) and artist Gabriel Hensche (Germany) on 23.12.2021

Register now:

1/ “Exercises for the Digital Age” online workshop:
2/ “Human Learning” live performance and artist talk (live at Toong):

14:00 - 16:30 : “Exercises for the Digital Age”: Online workshop with Gabriel Hensche & Ashlee Connery (English, with Vietnamese translation)
18:30 : “Human Learning” live performance by Giang Nguyen with other participants: Nguyen Huynh Nhu, Minh Duyen, Psycho Neo, Son Luong
18:45 - 20:30 : Artists talk with Giang Nguyen & Gabriel Hesnche, moderated by artist/curator Chau Tran - Vi

Language: English, with Vietnamese translation

Platform: Zoom online with Gabriel Hensche and live at Toong, 188 Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

About "Exercises for the Digital Age" online workshop
- Platform: Zoom Online & Miro board
- Number of participants: 18 people
- Language: English
- Devices: laptop/computer with Internet connection
- Register at:

In more than 2 hours, participants will learn the exercises that artists – who are mostly concerned with the digital – have developed to thrive online. Drawn from interviews with 25 artists from around the internet, who doodled their ideas with Gabriel on shared Miro Boards. This workshop will consist of a selection of these exercises that form a fitness program for digital survival and thrival. A fitness program that might have nothing to do with fitness, but hopefully helps you to stay healthy physically, mentally and virtually by offering ways to actively and joyfully move through online spaces. For more information, please visit

Duo event: live performance and artist talk
Register for the live performance and artist talk at Toong 188 Vo Thi Sau:
Number of participants: 50 people

About "Human Learning": live performance by artists Giang Nguyen with four dancers: Nguyen Huynh Nhu, Minh Duyen, Psycho Neo, Son Luong
Human Learning (2021) was developed through a series of exercises in which participants were invited to re-enact and/or imitate robotic actions such as falling, walking, avoiding human subjects, etc. Through these movements, it seeks to negotiate the master- servant roles between man and machine, and thus imagine a future where machines and humans cohabit, cooperate and learn from each other.

About artist talk: with Giang Nguyen & Gabriel Hensche, moderated by artist/curator Chau Tran - Vi
Led by artist/curator Chau Tran - Vi, the talk will focus on the ideas behind Giang Nguyen and Gabriel Hensche’s works, about the exhibition’s title, the process of learning, thinking, and accumulating knowledge especially in the current scene when artificial intelligence keeps changing and growing.

/Free Entrance/

For more information, please click here.

23rd December 2021

2:00pm - 8:30pm

Toong | 188 Vo Thi Sau, Ward 7, District 3, HCMC
