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Hanoi Opens First Private Robotic Surgery Clinic

Medical automation has officially arrived in the capital.

The Vinmec Times City International Hospital cut the ribbon on its first robotic surgery clinic this past Saturday, VietnamNet reports. 

The clinic has installed the da Vinci Surgical System, which consists of four robotic arms that can replicate a surgeon’s hand movements. The system was developed by US-based Intuitive Surgical, and several initial surgeries have already been performed using the new system.

Patients skeptical of submitting to robotic surgery can rest easy knowing that the da Vinci works in concert with a team of human surgeons. The automated system was adopted to facilitate more precise tissue removal, as well as decrease the risk of infection and blood loss. Robotic surgery also allows surgeons to perform operations via a “keyhole incision” – just a small cut in the patient’s skin.

The da Vinci’s usage is currently limited to gynecological procedures, but it is surely the first step in a more complete automation of Vietnam’s medical facilities.

While this the first trial of the new technology at a private hospital in Vietnam, the news source shares that it has been utilized at four public hospitals since 2014. No surgical accidents involving the da Vinci have been reported in the country thus far.

[Photo via Eva]

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