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Want to Learn About Saigon History? Scan These New QR Codes on Street Signs.

Saigoneers interested in finding out more about the history of their hometown now have a new avenue to expand their knowledge.

Starting from October 13, Saigon’s transport department began adding QR codes to street signs across the city, starting with six intersections in District 1: Le Thanh Ton-Dong Khoi, Le Thanh Ton-Pasteur, Ly Tu Trong-Pasteur, Ly Tu Trong-Dong Khoi, Nguyen Du-Dong Khoi, and Le Duan-Cong Xa Paris.

The codes are 8-by-8 centimeter stickers attached on a side of the street signs. After scanning them, passersby will receive an information sheet about the history of the street, including its length, width, and past names dating back to eras under French rule. If the street bears the name of a historical figure, it will share their biography, accomplishments and important life events.

According to a representative from the municipal’s road infrastructure management center, which is in charge of the QR initiative, the codes are detectable from as far away as four meters with a phone’s zoom in place. The codes will send the information in an image file.

While the QR code initiative has received positive comments online, many also pointed out that the stickers might be too high up to be scanned easily and the information sheet should be in more languages to accommodate tourists. In Saigoneer's experience, the codes function well from as far as three meters away.

Trần Quang Lâm, deputy director of the HCMC Department of Transport, told VnExpress that his office will gather more feedback from other departments and the public on the trial program before expanding to more areas in the city.

Last month, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Culture and Sports submitted a proposal to modify the names of 38 streets in town as, for a range of reasons, they bear the incorrect spelling of historical figures.

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