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PM Approves 9-Day Tết Holiday

For the second straight year, the Vietnamese government has approved a 9-day Tết holiday.

Thanh Nien after reviewing two suggestions from the Labor Ministry, one for 7 days and the other for 9. The latter was ultimately chosen as it creates an uninterrupted break before and after the holiday with 4 and 5 days (February 15 - February 23), respectively. State workers will have to make up the day off on February 16 by working on Saturday February 14.

According to a government website, the extended break “received strong backing since it is in line with the Vietnamese custom and meets the needs of the workers,” reports Thanh Nien.

Last year when a similar 9-day holiday was announced, many criticized the plan, arguing that it would not only impact the country’s productivity, but also reinforce a “frenzy of consumerism.”

Others support the longer holiday since Vietnam and Singapore have 11 public holidays, the lowest number in Southeast Asia while Cambodians receive 28 days off, Malaysians and Filipinos 21 days, Thais 18 days and Laotians 13 days.

Either way, this extra time should be enough for an extended trip out of the country for those who can afford it. Given that domestic tourist destinations become overpriced and overcrowded during Tết, an international trip is your best bet for a relaxing holiday. [VN Express // Photo via Jols]

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