BackStories » Vietnam » Phu Tho Man Jailed For Stealing His Own Motorbike

Phu Tho Man Jailed For Stealing His Own Motorbike

Desperation drives people to do unwise things, like breaking out your motorbike from a police garage. Such is the story of Do Son Tung from the northern province of Phu Tho.

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According to Vietnam News, Tung’s bike was confiscated by police in February when he was stopped for driving without a helmet. Unable to produce a driver’s license, the officers impounded his vehicle for one week.

As the bike was his family’s only means of transportation, Tung decided to break into the police lot to “borrow it for a week or so,” wrote the news site.

Things ended predictably for Tung as police showed up to his house 15 minutes later and took him into custody after which he was charged and sentenced to five months in jail.

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