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Taiwan to Become First Nation in Asia to Outlaw Consumption of Dog and Cat Meat

Animal rights activists have recorded a huge win on the island nation of Taiwan.

On Tuesday, Taiwan’s legislature made numerous changes to the law regarding animal cruelty, including a brand-new amendment that effectively bans the slaughter of dogs and cats for human consumption, reports Focus Taiwan.

Additionally, the Taiwanese government increased the punishment for several offenses included in the country’s Animal Protection Act. Those who cause deliberate harm to animals leading to mangled limbs, organ failure or death will now serve up to two years in prison and pay a fine of NT$200,000 (VND150 million) to NT$2 million (VND1.5 billion).

The previous penalty only required a maximum of one year in prison and a fine of NT$1 million.

The recent changes also outlawed the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat as well as any type of food product containing parts of the animals. Offenders will risk having their names and photos publicized in addition to a fine ranging from NT$50,000 (VND37.5 million) to NT$250,000 (VND187.5 million).

Last but not least, drivers and motorcyclists are also prohibited from pulling animals along on a leash. This offense can now incur a fine of NT$3,000 (VND2.25 million) to NT$15,000 (VND11.25 million).

According to Shanghaiist, despite having been approved by the legislature, the amendments still need to be signed into law by the Cabinet and the Presidential office. However, this could happen by the end of the month.

When the new law goes into effect, Taiwan will become the first nation in Asia to have such a comprehensive set of regulations regarding the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat.

[Photo via People]

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