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Australian International School

Nguyen Giang Tien Tran, a Year 12 student at the Australian International School, HCMC, has gained a 2016 Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award for finishing first in the world in IGCSE Additional Mathematics.

This means that Tien scored the highest mark in the world of all candidates who sat the June 2016 IGCSE examination in Additional Mathematics. This achievement is even more remarkable as Additional Mathematics is a subject focused solely on Pure Mathematics and is designed as an extension course to be studied by only the most able mathematicians. 

In the June 2016 IGCSE examinations Tien Tran sat IGCSE examinations achieved an A grade in Economics and A* grades in Chemistry, Physics and Additional Mathematics. To come top of the world in Additional Mathematics is a truly outstanding achievement.

Executive Principal of Australian International School, Dr Roderick Crouch said, ‘We are very proud of Tien Tran. She is not only a very hard working students but also fully involved in all aspects of school life. She contributes greatly to our community service projects and reflects the wonderful spirit of the students at AIS. I am also very proud of the expert teaching staff who have supported her so well.’

Tien shared a few tips about how to prepare for and do well in exams. “It is very important to build up a solid relationship with your teachers. They are there to help you to do your best, so give them something to work with. Let them know how you are doing and ask how you can improve on your current position”. Tien believes it is important to “pay attention in class and ask questions to avoid last minute, indiscriminate cramming. And most important of all, especially for Mathematics, is to do practice papers. Then give it your best shot in the exams. You have worked very hard and the exam will be over in three hours. So keep calm and carry on!”

This year Tien is completing the first year of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. She has set herself a demanding programme, studying Higher Level Mathematics, English A Literature, Chemistry and Economics, as well as Standard Level Physics and French Ab Initio. Ultimately it is Tien’s desire to study Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney. AIS has an outstanding science program which enables students to care for animals.

Dr Roderick Crouch - Executive Principal of AIS


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+84 8 3742 4040

264 Mai Chi Tho, An Phu Ward, D.2, Ho Chi Minh City
