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American Film Seeking Vietnamese Actress to Star Alongside Matt Damon

Think Matt Damon is dreamy? We have good news for you.

Paramount Pictures' Downsizing, an American film starring Damon, Reese Witherspoon and Alec Baldwin, is seeking a Vietnamese actress to play the Hollywood star's love interest, according to Hanoi Grapevine.

Casting in Vietnam will be handled by Hanoi-based film and TV production company Etherium Sky Films, whose past credits include the award-winning documentary Vibrant Highland, Commercial Love, a film about ethnic minorities in Vietnam's far north, as well as North Korea documentary DPRK: The Land of Whispers.

“Fierce and emotional, Ngoc Lan is a woman determined to do the right thing and speak the truth no matter whom she might offend,” reads Etherium Sky's character description. “A one-legged former prisoner who travels to the United States, Ngoc Lan continues her mission to help the poor and finds love in the process. Needs to be able to speak Vietnamese as well as English with a Vietnamese accent.”

Vietnamese women ages 30-50 are encouraged to apply. No previous acting experience is required, however each applicant must send a two- to five-minute video introducing herself to the film's casting directors. There is no deadline for the application, however Etherium Sky's website urges aspiring actresses to submit their entries as soon as possible.

Set for release in 2017, the film will be directed by Alexander Payne, whose previous credits include The Descendants, Sideways, About Schmidt and Election.

[Photo via The Loop]

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