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[Photos] Event Rewind: Saigoneer Photo Walk With Glen Riley

Last Sunday, Glen Riley led our first photowalk of the year through the hẻms around Phạm Ngũ Lão. We met at The Hungry Pig at 144 144 Cống Quỳnh, had a morning coffee, and headed out to explore the unseen parts of the popular tourist landing zone.

Image by Lee Starnes

Glen Riley is a professional photographer based in Saigon. You can find more of his work here.

Image by Glen Riley

This photowalk, we held a contest that was judged by a panel of us here at Saigoneer and Glen. After a long deliberation, we are proud to award Tanya Olander with the crown this month for capturing this quiet moment. Tanya gets one of our super fancy pants Saigoneer T-shirts worth its weight in fool’s gold. Keep an eye out for information on all or photowalks in the future. 

Image by Tanya Olander

Check out some of the other amazing shots captured by this month's participants.


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