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[Photos] What Happens When Marvel Superheroes Are Given Vietnam Makeovers

We probably don’t need to convince you that Vietnam’s online culture is a wonderfully weird place. The wits of local netizens have brought us joy on many occasions, like the many adventures of Hai Phong’s Pikachu Dragon or these world divas-street food mashups.

Now, the recent premiere of Marvel’s international blockbuster Infinity War has spawned a myriad of memes. This collection of Marvel-inspired images, created by Facebook user Nguyen Quang Huy, stands out above the rest thanks to its cost-effectiveness and ingenious use of everyday objects.

Huy paired the superheroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with household items – from a matchbox to rubber bands to even a lychee – in the multimedia images. What makes the adorable illustrations even more hilarious is the way Huy types the names of the characters. Vietnamese phone users will recognize this constant struggle: if you forget to switch the keyboard’s language, typing English words will result in peculiar spelling.

However, Huy embraced the quirky misspelt names to keep the Marvel heros as localized as possible. According to him, he started making the illustrations four years ago when the first few superhero flicks came out and have been adding new characters to the collection ever since.

Have a look at Nguyen Quang Huy’s amazing archive of “Vietnam-ized” Marvel characters below:

[Photos via Facebook user Nguyen Quang Huy]

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