Back Arts & Culture » [Photos] Hong Kong Illustrator Re-Imagines Star Wars Characters in Traditional Chinese Art

In case the memory escapes you, last year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens was kind of a big deal. While it didn't make the top box office spot during its opening weekend in Vietnam, the seventh installment of George Lucas' famed sci-fi saga was a global sensation, inspiring scores of fan art as well as traditional interpretations of the modern-day story.

Though some of the hype has worn off, Hong Kong artist Tik Ka is still paying homage to the space odyssey and its characters, reports NME. Employing the “So Ha” style of art, which “demonstrates different aspects of traditional Chinese culture with loveable baby characters”, Tik Ka fuses Japanese super-flat techniques with elements of both traditional Chinese and western art to create his own series of Asian-inspired Star Wars portraits.

The artist has also been known to use the same technique on Marvel characters. Have a look below:

[Photos via NME]

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