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The Vietnamese Millionaires Of Angola

Wherever Vietnamese go, they strive and thrive.

While the Vietnamese diaspora is best know for its success in North America, Europe and Australia, there is a small, but influential contingent in the African nation of Angola.

According to unofficial figures, this former Portuguese colony is home to no fewer than 40 Vietnamese millionaires who have made their fortunes in construction, the motorbike trade, beverage distribution and other endeavors.

Many of them arrived as migrant workers, making around $500 per month.

After seeing opportunities to go out on their own, they learned Portuguese, obtained residency papers and raised startup capital, allowing them to start their businesses.

Some of the Vietnamese-run construction companies employ both locals and Vietnamese, with the latter earning between $1,000 - $1,500 per month.

With their success, these millionaires decided to stay in their adopted homeland while sending money back to their relatives in Vietnam.

It hasn't been a dream for all Vietnamese workers, however. Since 2012, at least 21 Vietnamese have died in the country due to industrial accidents and diseases.

Hopefully, conditions will improve now that Angola has begun to award permits to Vietnamese firms seeking to export workers to the country. 

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