Back Arts & Culture » Culture » Plus-Size Woman Sends Her Photos To Editors Across The Globe, Photoshop Hilarity Ensues

Back in June, an American blogger Esther Honig sent her photo to editors around the globe to be photoshopped. She found that each country (including Vietnam) projected their own cultural values and style on the edited photos – some were light edits while others were a bit-over-the-top.

Inspired by Honig, Marie Southard Ospina, an associate fashion and beauty editor with Bustle, undertook a similar experiment, but with a twist. She wanted to see how different editors would react to a plus-size woman to examine the cultural relationship between weight and beauty

She wrote in her piece on Bustle:

“Having grown up predominantly in the first world, I’m aware that in countries like the U.S. or the U.K. being fat is (although quite common) perceived as an inherently negative thing. Stereotypes include, but are not limited to: laziness, selfishness, stupidity, naiveté and even a lower socioeconomic class. But I’m also aware that the notion of “thin is the only beautiful” doesn’t permeate the entirety of the world.”

Here are the results:

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