Back Events Near Me » Asparagus Delicacies at Level 23 Signature Restaurant @ Sheraton Saigon Hotel

Asparagus Delicacies at Level 23 Signature Restaurant @ Sheraton Saigon Hotel

Enjoy the highlight dish of white asparagus every nighjt in the month of June at Signature Restaurant. 

There are choices of asparagus specialties that can tempt your taste-buds including white asparagus with a basil infused sabayon or white asparagus with Serrano ham and chive dressing. There will be wine pairings recommended for those who love to enjoy the menu with the perfect wine accompaniment in a romantic atmosphere with violin and guitar music and spectacular views from level 23.

From VND 198,000++ per dish


Available daily in June

6:00pm - 10:00pm

Sheraton Saigon Hotel | 88 Dong Khoi, D1, Ho Chi Minh City
