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Movie Night: Urbanized @ Yoko Cafe

From the organizer: This week, let's go back to documentaries and, with Urbanized, consider our urban condition.

Through encountering with famous architects, designers, thinkers, politicians, Director Gary Hutswit gives us a smooth and clever introduction to the design of our cities. While over half of the world's population is urbanite, cities come to all face the challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet, as we discover, much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain.

Another interesting question Hutswit focuses on is who is allowed to shape our cities, and how do they do it? If 'experts' are trying to take over the decision-making process, ordinary citizens are still the main makers of their daily environment. By exploring a diverse range of urban design projects around the world, Urbanized frames a global discussion on the future of cities.

Director: Gary Hustwit
Released: 2011
Duration: 85 min
IMDB rating: 7,4/10
More information:

dually subtitled EN-VN.

Monday, 5 June

8:30pm - 11:30pm

Yoko | 22A Nguyen Thi Dieu, D3, Ho Chi Minh City
