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Sketching Sunday @ NC Store

Finally Summer has come again, this time NC store would like having some weekends for Writers Corner.

For those who also interested in Graffiti feel free to come and join with us.

Sketching Sunday will be hold once every 2 weeks.
For the first time, we will have a time to meet awsome Graffiti writers in town.

Line Up:

Live painting: 
- Daos501 (ND,ZNC,EVE)
- Wazer (TSK)

Sketching Guests:
- Kods (TSK)
- Rowa (LGS)

BBQ n Beers...
Music and Chill.

Hotline: +84 125 678 8055


Sunday, 23 July

4:20pm - 10:00pm

NC Store | 113 Tran Huy Lieu, Phu Nhuan, Ho Chi Minh City
