Back Events Near Me » Conference : Work with Colonial Architecture in South Vietnam @ Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture

From the organizer: The Academy of Architecture France Vietnam (AAFV), in partnership with the University of Architecture of HCMC, is happy to invite you to the conference bellow.

“Work with Colonial Architecture in South Vietnam “

Intervenants :
1. Van Loi LE, architect director of EAI, Vice Dean of AAFV and Thierry Van de WYNGAERT, architect director of TVAA, President of AAFV :
Master Plan of Sadec: a holistic approach;
2. Olivier SOUQUET, architect director of DE-SO, Member of AAFV
Redevelopment of publics spaces, the heritage of Central Post of HCMC
3. Cyril LAMY, architect and scenograph, SLA Designers Vietnam
Lighting of the HCMC Cathedral, Nha Tho Duc Ba
4. Quoc Thong NGUYEN, GD of Cara Lighting :
Exterior and interior lighting for Colonial Architecture building.
5. Thieu Tri HO, architect president of HTT group, Vice Dean Executive of AAFV: 
Extension of the HCMC History museum and of the General Sciences Library

Saturday, 11 November

8:30am - 12:30pm

Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture | 196 Pasteur, D3, Ho Chi Minh City
