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Soul Majors Showcase - Class of 2017 @ SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy

As part of SMPAA’s Ambassadorship Programme, the Soul Majors Programme is an initiative that seeks to identify and provide potential students in every discipline at SMPAA with additional scholarship training classes.

The Soul Majors Programme aims to assist and further develop students’ talents through participation in local, national and international festivals and competitions.
After a year of study and practice in both theory and on their respective instruments; or in vocal classes, , our Soul Majors will perform in our "Soul Majors Showcase 2017" to demonstrate the results of their studies during the past year. Through their performances in such genres as folk, classical, pop & rock; the SMPAA Soul Majors Advisory Board will evaluate the progress of the students throughout the 2017 learning process and provide useful and relevant advice for their further development in music.
This Showcase is also an opportunity for parents and the gathered audience to learn more about the training and learning process of the members of SMPAA’s Ambassadorship Programme - Soul Majors - and to enjoy the special musical atmosphere our Soul Majors will create.

Wednesday, 31 January

6:30pm - 8:30pm

SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy | 214-216 Pasteur, D3, Ho Chi Minh City
