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A Discussion on the Subject of Postnatal Depression @ Family Medical Practice

 Dear Moms, now that the Tet holidays are over, our SIMBA group has already begun weekly sessions once more with renewed fellowship and sharing of health and parenting information among new mothers.

As always, our aim is to provide prenatal and postnatal advice, support and companionship in the early years of parenting as well as to support local charities.

SIMBA gatherings are convened by Dr. Agnes R. Viay, one of our resident pediatricians. This year, Dr. Agnes is joined by recent parent and FMP internist Dr. Anna Donovan. Drs. Agnes and Anna will be hosting SIMBA get-togethers on a rotational basis.

Mothers and expecting moms are welcome to join sessions on Thursday mornings from 9.30 am to 11.30 am in the comfort of our D2 Clinic, to discuss a range of prenatal and postnatal topics over coffee, tea, and cakes. Bring your babies for group play while various health issues are discussed. The cost to join the discussion is just VND100,000 per family, which goes to a charity chosen by SIMBA group at the end of each year.

No registration needed. Just spread the word and have fun together!

SAVE THE DATE: On April 5th, 2018, FMP's new psychiatrist Dr. Miguel de Seixas will be joining Dr. Anna as guest speaker at SIMBA, leading a discussion on the subject of postnatal depression. Please contact our Marketing dept. to register early by email to:


Thursday, 5 April

9:30am - 11:30am

Family Medical Practice | 95 Thao Dien, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
