Back Events Near Me » 4-week Singing workshop by Josefina Fuentes @ Soma Art Cafe

4-week Singing workshop by Josefina Fuentes @ Soma Art Cafe

If you are a professional or sing for the joy of it, please join us for this comprehensive Singing / Alba Emoting technique workshop by professional performer and coach, Jo Fuentes. 

The workshop will cover : 
- Pre-performance physical training 
- Alba Emoting techniques for better interpretation
- Various breathing exercises
- Headshots by the amazing Angeli Castillo Photography
- And of course… we will be singing together!

Details :
4 Wednesdays 
October 3 - October 24
Soma Art Lounge
7 - 9 PM
Total cost : 2.000.000 million

**The workshop is meant to be attended in full -- 4 weeks!**
Please register here! -->

and reserve your spot with a full deposit :}

Ages 14 +

Looking forward to meeting you all!


Wednesday, October 3 - October 24

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Soma Art Cafe | 6B Le Van Mien, D2
