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Open Studio | Wu Chi-Tsung @ MoTplus

From October to December 2018 the MoT+++ space will be converted into the working studio of visual artist Wu Chi-Tsung. during his residency, Wu Chi-Tsung will develop new works in his experimental photography series of Cyano-Collages.

Conventional cynotype photography uses objects placed on paper to create an negative or imprint of the object in white against a cyan-blue background. the paper, having previously been covered with a solution, is exposed to an ultraviolet light source, such as sunlight, causing a chemical reaction that results in the distinctive blue colour, and leaves unexposed paper white. Wu Chi-Tsung uses the cynotype method to create large abstract photographic works that echo the mountainous landscapes of traditional Chinese Shan Shui ink and brush paintings. 

On Saturday November 10, 2018, MoT+++ will open from 4-8pm for the public to see Wu Chi-Tsung's work in-progress.

More information:


Saturday, 10 November

4:00pm - 8:00pm

MoTplus | 1057 Binh Quoi, Binh Thanh, HCMC
