Back Events Near Me » Groundbreakers Story Night - Leaving Home + Solo Travel @ Chanh Bistro Rooftop Saigon

Saigon is a city full of travellers, most of us ended up here after a long journey, either physically or mentally and many of us are still struggling with the fear of moving on or travelling alone.

We have thousands of stories how our life ended up here and what we learnt on the way and our stories can continue to inspire future journeys. Travelling solo can be a terrifying thought, but especially for women. We are bombarded with stories of assault, harassment and worse, so the thought of travelling alone and the unknown of what will become us can stop us from achieving so much in life. So let's learn from the stories of those who have done it, share tips and discover how to overcome those fears!

Public speaking is not just something for work presentations, or nobel prize winners to give TED talks, we all have stories, opinions, thoughts, and we benefit from sharing these stories. These events are for giving women a platform to express themselves in a supportive environment, and for the audience to listen and know that they are amongst others in our common struggles. These events are also for all genders, we need to be able to hear and listen to other perspectives in order to work together.

*These events are pay what you feel*


Sunday, 28 July

7:30pm - 10:30pm

Chanh Rooftop Bar | 6th Floor 43-45 Ho Tung Mau, D1, Ho Chi Minh City
