BackEvents Near Me » My Happy Place: Sự kiện Pop-up mua sắm về không gian sống @ OHQUAO

My Happy Place: Sự kiện Pop-up mua sắm về không gian sống @ OHQUAO

After spending quite some time at home, have you had time to think about the things that make your living space comfortable and nice? Is it the plants? Or the KonMari neatness that “sparks joy”? Or the geeky, artsy stuff that really brings inspiration?

If you brand and products could help add stories and values to the modern home and want to connect with like-minded businesses, apply for our pop-up shopping event My Happy Place with the OHQUAO team.

Love The Moment
NEAT Saigon
The Cheeky Project

Cá eii Teo eii
Sạp báo nhỏ
PlyConcept - Nội thất uốn cong

Collective Memory
Jack Clayton
Meow Pottery Workshop
Mai Textiles & Ceramics

Friday 5 June

10:00am - 8:00pm

OHQUAO | 58/12 Phạm Ngọc Thạch, Phường 6, Quận 3
