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Breath & Ice Bath Workshop @ Mandala Wellness

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Saturday, July 4th / 4:30-6:30pm

Investment: 600.000 VND

What can I expect?
During this workshop you will learn the fundamentals of the breathing method with the diaphragm, using simple Pranayama. Breathing techniques can have astonishing effects on a person and people often experience a special high of energy just through using their breaths in a controlled way. In preparation for the ice bath these breathing techniques are relevant to prepare the body accordingly.
Topics covered:
- A brief introduction to the method, how it was discovered and what its used for
- A discussion on the scientific and esoteric perspectives of the breathing method
- Warming up the diaphragm with simple Pranayama
- Three rounds of breathing, which will take about 10-15 minutes
- Evaluation and discussion of the experiences people have during this breath work
- 2-3 more rounds of breathing
- Then get into the ice-bath at about 10 degrees Celsius. More confident participants can choose to add another bag.

Workshop host info:
This workshop will be led by Giuliano Cricenti and Veselin Petrov.
Giuliano is an ACE Certified Personal Trainier, holding a bachelor degree in Biomedical Science and is a coach for competitive young swimmers here in HCMC. Veselin is a martial arts instructor and strength and conditioning coach.

Saturday 4 July

4:30pm -  6:30pm

Mandala Wellness | 41 Tran Ngoc Dien, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
