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Opening Reception - "Saigon Still Stories" @ Noirfoto Darkroom-Studio-Gallery

Philip Van is a Belgian photographer living in Saigon since two years.
His view on Vietnam, and especially Saigon, is absolutely unique in the way he looks at people not
just as a photographer but also as a writer and poet.

In his "Still Stories" he treats dramatical scenes out of daily life as stills from a movie and subtitles
them. It's like a one shot movie that the viewer can complete in his own imagination.
"Saigon Riverside" is a colorful, romantic look at the city's nightlife near all its riverbanks. Saigoneers fish, walk, flirt, sing, drink, dance and kiss near the ever flowing water. While all the lights, bridges, boats, colors and moons reflect in it.
"Take a Deep Look Inside" is a series of quarantine photos: all shot inside his house during the lockdown in april.
And in "From Where I'm Sitting" he shoots the surprising simple stories playing out around him as he sits down for a drink or a dinner. Another short-movie-like-look at the city.

September 4th

06:00pm – 09:00pm

Noirfoto Darkroom-Studio-Gallery | 199 bis Nguyen Van Huong Thao Dien
