Back Events Near Me » Festive Embroidery Workshop - Xmas Flowers @ Jannie's flower tea room & Workshop

Festive Embroidery Workshop - Xmas Flowers @ Jannie's flower tea room & Workshop

Our pleasure to introduce to personalize workshop, Flowers Embroidery well-known by the name "Tấm Thêu Bông".

We have the hostess can be give you instructions by Vietnamese and English. So the workshop will be hold all Saturday and Sunday, and weekdays as your booking in advance. All of you can come anytime between 9am to 6pm. Please inbox us to order in advance and make bank transfer, so that we can serve you in the best and get 5% OFF!!

Workshop fee is about VND 240,000/adult as usual, in 2 hours included all materials, beverages and cakes! Extra fee will be charged VND 50,000 in a hours per pax.
Group 2 persons 7% OFF
Group 4 persons 10% OFF

Please come with your own and leave with more happiness
Please feel free to contact us via phone number O933277921

19th December 2020 - 20th December 2020

9:00am - 6:00pm

Jannie's flower tea room & Workshop | Unit T102, 1st Floor, Number 47 (R1-73), Bui Bang Doan Street, Tan Phong Ward, D. 7, HCMC
