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Next POI talk "Bitcoin : Fad or Real?" @ my house

We all think about and deal with money constantly but how does money really work? When was money invented? How do banks create money? And what are cryptocurrencies?

In one of our seminal POI talks from 2020, Edward Wong returns to present his inspiring and informative talk on the story of money, as well as the history and development of the banking and finance sectors. Edward, who grew up in the shadows of Wall St, is one of the original founders of the Shanghai Futures Exchange. He will introduce and explain bitcoin, cryptocurrency, wallets, regulation, Ethereum, smartcontracts, DeFi, and the future of money in a stimulating and multi-faceted way.

Not least, he’ll answer burning questions such as is crypto real money and what is Bitcoin mining? And in the uncertain and fear-driven times of Covid-19, runaway inflation and nationalism, how will money play out in the face of technology and traditional finance?

Not to be missed and our last talk for this lunar year before we say adios to the rat and hello to Vietnam’s national animal, the water buffalo!

About the speaker: Edward served as the Treasury Architect at the US Federal Reserve advising the Fed and the Treasury Department on technology, including cryptocurrencies. Prior to the Fed he was a senior IT Architect at IBM, and is also one of the three original founders of the Shanghai Futures Exchange. Edward currently lives in HCMC where he advises RMIT on FinTech developments. He’s also the founder of QuantDART, a regulated crypto investment company.

30th January 2021


my house | 2nd floor, 14/2 Ton That Dam, District 1, HCMC
