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Virtual Sights & Sounds: Vietnam

Join us on a virtual immersive art and music Vietnam-inspired exhibition where modern meets traditional.

RSVP now to get access link:
- Free virtual admission
Brought to you by The Hive Vietnam and The Happievent, to promote Vietnamese arts, music and culture.
From stunning paintings, photographs, and graphics, to beautiful tunes and captivating short films, you don't want to miss out!

What to expect:
- Virtual Art (Graphic, Painting, Photography, NFT art)
- Music & Short Films
- Meet the Artists
- Interactive Zones
- and More!

Entry Requirements:
- Desktop or Laptop (Preferably with camera & mic)
- Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox Web Browsers
*Register for instructions

Event Details:
Online - the Hive Virtual Space
Language: bilingual (English & Vietnamese)

Artist Line-Up:
Tran Phung | Thong Dinh | Rong Pham | Phuong Ha | Tran Trung Linh x Silart Studio | Tang Quang | Mark Do | Todd Huynh | Brian Hoang Art | Nghi Nguyen | Tran Dang Khoa | Khanh Quynh
Nguyen Anh Dung | IFocus | 85mm Vietnam
Olivier Flora | Phuc Bo PbNation

Are you interested to be part of this event? Send us an email:

Artist Registration:

You will also have the opportunity to do good by donating to Saigon #LockdownKindness Charity by Social ChangeMakers Network.

For more information, please visit here.

11th September 2021


Online Event