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Contemporary Dance @ The Opera House

The HBSO is presenting a revival of its contemporary dance show Cafe Saigon for a single performance on March 26

Cafe Saigon was created in 2018 when Netherlands choreographer Joost Vrouenraets came to Saigon to investigate the possibility of a dance show featuring HBSO dancers. This eventually became Cafe Saigon, co-choreographed with Maite Guerin.

Cafe Saigon has ten dancers organised as five couples. One of the dancers also acts as a narrator. The dancers are Mer. A. Tran Hoang Yen, Nguyen Thu Trang, Đo Hoang Khang Ninh, Thach Hieu Lang, La Man Nhi, Bui Thanh Ngan, Sung A Lung, Đang Minh Hien, Phan Thai Binh, Nguyen Minh Tam.

The music is eclectic and includes items by Joan Baez (a US folk singer who collaborated with Bob Dylan in the 1960s), Louis Armstrong (known as Satchmo and a US trumpeter and singer) and two creators of accordion music, Fabian Beghim and Didiee Laloy.

The scene is in a coffeeshop sometime in the middle of the last century. But instead of patrons discreetly sipping coffee we see them holding chairs above their heads and falling off tables to be caught in the arms of colleagues.

Vrouenraets studied at Amsterdam's School of Arts and Lausanne's Rudra Bejart School. He went on to join the highly thought-of Bejart Ballet in 2004. In addition for two years he pursued Tibetan studies in the nountains of Switzerland.

Meanwhile Gotra continues with inoivative ventures such as dance classes for, and subsequent performances by, sufferers from Parkinson's disease.

Between 2018 and 2020 Vrouenraets studied at two Dutch universities the relation between Shakespeare's Hanlet, human anatomy and madness.

Tickets range from VNF 400,000 to VND 750.000.

For more information, please click here.

26th March 2022


The Opera House | 07 Cong Truong Lam Son, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC.
