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Mindfulness Meditation @ Chance Rooftop

Waking up this morning I smile
knowing there are 24 brand new hours before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment,
and look at beings with eyes of compassion.

We are very good at preparing to live, but not very good at living. We know how to sacrifie ten years for adiploma, and we are willing to work very hard to get a job, a car, a house, and so on. But we have diffilty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the only moment there is for us to be alive. Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filed with peace, joy, and serenity. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.
- Thich Nhat Hanh-

Mindfulness practice is based on the Plum Village tradition. The Plum Village lineage was founded by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
This practice session aims to share skills for bringing mindfulness into everyday life from Plum Village tradition. In other words, we have oppotunity to practice the art of how to work, play, sing, have a relationship, drink tea, or eat an orange, mindfully together in a peaceful space. This practice encourages us to do everything in life with joy, awareness, openness, curiosity, acceptance, and love.
Your practice is a gift to the world. Together we strengthen our love, our peace, our freedom, and our happiness, shaping a more beautiful world.

Please bring your mat or anything can lie down to practice deep relaxation meditation.
100k for supporting tea, snacks and donation.

For more information, please visit here.

29th October 2022

5:00pm - 6:30pm

Chance Rooftop | 57 Nguyen Ba Huan, Thao Dien, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
