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The Power Of Semiosis: Yohei Yama @ Vin Gallery

Yohei Yama’s debut Vietnam solo show will be showcasing a series of new works in his signature style. 

The miniature tree symbol is one that has become affiliated with Japanese Yohei’s work. The meaningful symbol came to him after news of the devasting nuclear accident in Fukushima. The event affected Yohei emotionally and he struggled to make any work. The tree motif gave Yohei energy; it was healing and has become his trademark ever since. 

Vin Gallery is excited to be exhibiting the powerful work of Yohei Yama - his colourful and highly detailed take on Op Art not only physically engages the viewer but also encourages you to stop and think about the world we live in.

Event page:


Friday, 11 September

6:00 pm 

Vin Gallery | 6 Le Van Mien, Thao Dien, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
