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Moon Festival @ The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre

How are your children going to spend their Mid-Autumn festival to get creative? 

At “Moon Festival”, from 5.30PM to 9PM at The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre, your children will have the chance to experience the art of story telling with “paper puppet”, a special and exciting art form carried out by the students of Fine Arts University. This is also an occasion for parents to adore the talents of the junior artists’ dynamic creativity through lantern decoration activitie, allowing children to build their own artwork with a mark of personality, expressing their special characteristics with a dip of innocence and joy.

The iconic lantern ceremony, a traditional bit in Mid-Autumn Festival, will also be hold to celebrate the full moon. Harmonising and blending in the warm spirit of Moon Festival, families will have the chance to enjoy the diversity of homemade mooncakes and tea right at The Factory. Cakes will also be available for purchasing so you can have a taste of all flavours and to share with families and friends.

All these programs provide great opportunities for kids to obtain and interact with knowledge about Mid-Autumn Festival – one of the most ancient festivals for kids.

*English translators are available at the festival
*Limitation of 70 kids is applied to ensure the program’s quality

More information and ticket package:


Wednesday, 14 September

5:30pm - 9:00pm

The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre | 15 Nguyen U Di, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
