Back Events Near Me » How Much Do You Really Know About Sexually Transmitted Infection @ Family Medical Practice

This November 30th, Family Medical Practice will be hosting a private, informative talk for women only on rarely-discussed sexual health issues. 

* As a woman, what are my chances of catching an STI in Vietnam?
* What is the impact of being HIV positive on my visa status?
* What are the risks of transmitting an STI to my children?
* How can I protect my family from infection?

Our resident specialist in sexually transmitted infections will provide details in how to treat and prevent contact with STIs known to be prevalent in Saigon.

Your questions will be welcome at the discussion and may be submitted confidentially prior to the event.

Due to limited space, RSVP by Nov 29th to marketing@vietnammedicalpr> or call 3822 7848


Wednesday, 30 November

10:00am - 11:30am

Family Medical Practice | 95 Thao Dien, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
