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Krossing-over Festival @ Ho Chi Minh City

From the organizer: Krossing-over is a unique festival resulting from various crossings: performances mixing dance, literature, visual arts and culinary arts. 

Crossing between public and artists during open performances. Unexpected discoveries at unpredictable places for a journey both artistic and sensitive throughout three districts of Ho Chi Minh City.

The festival is a platform for local artists and artists from abroad to dive into creation, far from their habits of working on their own productions, but wishing to open up to new forms mixing different arts. 

Curiosity and the capacity to think out of the box are common abilities shared by all of the artists invited. The festival results in new art forms with no boundaries between arts to propose new experiences to the audience. 

The festival is hosted by eclectic venues : theatres, art galleries, bookstores and culinary places in the aim of opening up to all kind of audiences. The artists are asked to adapt their performance to the singularity of each venue, to create a sur-mesure and truly unique experience for the public. 

Through the circulation between different performances in various venues, the map of Ho Chi Minh City is reinvented, drawing a journey both artistic and sensitive throughout the city.


Friday - Sunday, 14 - 16 April


Ho Chi Minh City 
