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[Photos] QUA, a New Exhibition Space and Art Center, Opens Within HRC

Following the opening of Manzi’s new exhibition space, another new cultural space, ‘QUA,’ opened its doors last weekend within Hanoi Rock City.

Co-founders Bex Hughes and Bui Vu describe the new location as an exhibition venue and arts center. They aim to collaborate with local groups and artists in order to put on regular events, exhibitions and workshops.

Their first exhibition features a collection from Hanoi Zine Library, a “free arts library project,” which aims to give access to international materials rarely available in Vietnam, such as the niche, homemade zines and vintage newspapers and magazines currently lining the white walls of the gallery. A growing number of locally-made zines are also on display.

The space will also operate as a store that sells prints, zines and other design work by artists based in Vietnam.

Take a look below:

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