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Saigon Police Asked to Facilitate Transport to Airport

That's nice of them.

Tuoi Tre reports that city officials and police are working to ensure that people have easy access to Tân Sơn Nhất International Airport.

Police units across Saigon have been ordered to facilitate the passage of people heading to the airport through checkpoints, while drivers should also be allowed to return to their starting point.

Currently, many people still need to leave the country for work or school or to return home, and varying lockdown restrictions have made it difficult for many to travel to the airport. Some drivers, for example, have declined to pick up passengers from other provinces given quarantine rules.

Accordingly, passengers heading to the airport need the following documentation: passport and visa, flight tickets with the flight time and date, and a negative PCR COVID-19 test. They must also file a health declaration and follow pandemic prevention protocols.

Only families traveling together are allowed to share a car, and drivers must not pick up other passengers after dropping someone off at the airport.

[Top photo via Nguoi Lao Dong.]

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