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7,200 Saigonese Share The Same ID Card Numbers

Due to mistakes by local police departments, as many as 7,200 Saigon residents have identical identity card numbers, making it hard for them to get passports, bank accounts and tax codes.

One victim of the duplicate ID numbers told Tuoi Tre that she was informed of her numerical doppelgänger, a District 11 man, when applying for a passport. 

After contacting police numerous times about the problem, she had to wait months for them to verify her information.

"I am still worried and wonder if I will face any more troubles in the future when I apply for other documents,” she told the paper. “I have only one ID card number despite being re-granted it several times for expiry and loss."

In many cases, banks and tax offices have added characters at the end of the ID numbers in their files to differentiate customers.

Police officials said that those with duplicate ID numbers can visit police stations to rectify the problem.

"Those who have a number which matches the one kept in our archives will be given a confirmation and can continue using the number," said Captain Vo Tri Thanh. "For other cases, ID card owners will be granted a new card with a different number."

"We are sorry for making this mistake."

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