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Saigon to Cut Water Supply for 8 Hours This Weekend

It's shaping up to be a shower-free weekend, as Saigon plans to cut its water supply to six entire districts as well as parts of nine others this coming Saturday.

The Saigon Water Supply Corporation (Sawaco) announced that it will be conducting routine maintenance on the Thu Duc Water Plant, predictably located in Thu Duc District, from 9pm on Saturday to 5am on Sunday, reports Tuoi Tre.

This means that all of Thu Duc District as well as Districts 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9 will be without water, along with parts of Districts 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11, plus sections of Tan Binh, Phu Nhuan and Binh Thanh Districts.

So...basically everywhere.

Once water supply begins again, Sawaco says you can expect to experience weak pressure or muddy water coming from your faucets for a few hours after the cut. It may be inconvenient, but the water supplier insists that it's necessary for proper maintenance of the facility, which clearly provides water to large parts of Saigon.

In the meantime, be sure to stock up on wet wipes and deodorant ahead of the impending drought.

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[Photo via Jessica Lucia]

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