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Meet The Eye Health Team Behind Some of the Best Technology and Techniques in Saigon

Vietnamese residents have enjoyed greater access to health care in recent years, but eye health and preventable blindness is still an issue.

90% of blindness in Vietnam is avoidable while half of the children in Vietnam’s blind schools have treatable or preventable blindness. Dr. Nam-Tran Pham and her internationally-qualified team of eye care providers at American Eye Center are trying to change that, one patient at a time.

Known as the only American-model private practice in town, Vietnamese-American Dr. Nam-Tran has run the business for seven years, providing an international standard of care. Her practice comprises of herself, three other ophthalmologists and an optometrist, all overseas-trained.

Dr. Nam-Tran says that most people come to her from word-of-mouth referrals, trusting in her quality of care provided in a modern, fully-equipped facility. “It’s international standard,” she explains emphatically, “comparable to the US or Singapore. People panic when their eyesight fails or their child’s eyesight fails. We give them assurance that they’ll receive the best care and expertise as can be found anywhere else.”

The center treats all ages, one of their youngest patients being just one week old. They also specialize in a wide variety of conditions, from cataracts and glaucoma to diabetes-related eye diseases and myopia. American Eye Center also offers Ortho-K, contact lenses designed to slow myopia progression in children. For adults, there is LASIK and PRELEX surgery to correct vision from needing glasses and contact lenses. You can also find a wide variety of high-quality prescription lenses and frames at the American Eye Center, borne out of patients’ need for a trustworthy place to fill their glasses prescriptions.

Dr. Nam-Tran doesn’t stop there, however - American Eye Center is involved in giving back to the community. While her ophthalmologists lecture at local universities, Dr. Nam-Tran contributes to a program to support blind students. Dr. Nam-Tran even counts its program manager as one of her regular patients.

Dr. Nam-Tran encourages new and potential clients to come for regular eye checkups, instead of waiting until there is vision loss. By providing comprehensive eye exams for entire families, she hopes to prevent blindness through early detection and treatment.

American Eye Center's Website

American Eye Center's Facebook

American Eye Center's Email

(028) 5413 8810 – Optic/ (028) 5413 6758 – Clinic

Hotline (working hours): 0938136758

Optic: Ground Floor/ Clinic: 5th Floor, Crescent Plaza, 105 Ton Dat Tien Str., Tan Phu ward, District 7, HCMC

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