BackStories » Vietnam » Phu Quoc Seeks VNPT's Help to Become 'Smart City' in 2020

Phu Quoc Seeks VNPT's Help to Become 'Smart City' in 2020

The Kien Giang province People's Committee recently approved a plan to transform Phu Quoc into a 'smart city' by 2020.

Dan Tri reports that the project aims to develop a smart, safe island to attract visitors and improve service quality for both residents and guests.

The plan relies heavily on Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Corporation (VNPT) technology to enhance information and telecommunications infrastructure, which will reportedly allow for the creation of e-governance and smart tourism, transport, environment, healthcare, education and financial services. 

Though there is no mention of funding for the ambitious project, the news source shares that Phu Quoc will receive a fibre-optic network, expanded 4G coverage, and free wi-fi, in addition to online management of visitors and other sectors.

According to Dan Tri, Mai Van Huynh, deputy chairman of the provincial People's Committee, told the Vietnam Investment Review that "the project will improve the quality and effectiveness as well as reduce the cost of State management; provide convenient services and ensure safety for tourists and locals and create breakthroughs for the socio-economic development of Phu Quoc Island." 

VNPT has begun working on the project, for example, by installing cameras and wi-fi equipment in parts of Duong Dong and An Thoi, two towns on the island, while also preparing training for civil servants. 

Luong Manh Hoang, deputy director general of VNPT, told the news site, "VNPT is in various stages of implementing 'smart city' projects in eight provinces around Vietnam. We will build the best smart city in Phu Quoc."

[Photo via Vinhomes]

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